Human Connection as a Political Cudgel
Brandon Boat Brandon Boat

Human Connection as a Political Cudgel

Recently, a photo from one of our past shows was used to score political points. Co-Founder Tane Danger wrote about how he felt about that for the Star Tribune.

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Laugh it out: Can humor ease tension in polarizing times?
Brandon Boat Brandon Boat

Laugh it out: Can humor ease tension in polarizing times?

From the sidewalk, the gathering at Winona’s Parlour Room on a recent Tuesday night looked like a big party.

Dozens of people drank wine, ate from heaping plates of pasta and chatted up and down long dinner tables inside the downtown storefront.

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Tane Danger helps people move beyond partisan rancor
Guest User Guest User

Tane Danger helps people move beyond partisan rancor

At a time when the nation’s political discourse often becomes vitriolic, Tane Danger focuses on bringing Minnesotans together to listen to speakers with diverse perspectives and talk about pressing issues in a civil manner.

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