Minnesota was once a leader in corporate philanthropy. Is that still true?
Minnesotans have stood out for their generosity for generations.
Nearly five decades ago, the Five Percent Club put the state on the map nationally as a leader in philanthropy. Target and 22 other Minnesota companies vowed to give away 5% of their pre-tax earnings to charity — the first group of its kind in the nation.

What we learned getting white people to talk to each other about race and how to be more anti-racist
After the killing of George Floyd, my small theater company began hosting conversation meet-ups to get people talking about race and how to be anti-racist. We call the sessions “Let’s Get Uncomfortable.”

T2P2’s Tane Danger: ‘If there was ever a time when we needed each other, it’s now’
Where can you go for advice in a crisis? Ask an improviser. No, really. Who is better at making things up on the fly? At solving problems with the tools and materials at hand? Who is most willing to try the untried?

Gala in absentia: Nonprofits have to get creative to stay afloat
Nonprofits are as central to life in Minnesota as warm winter hats and goodbyes that take 20 minutes or more. And they (like basically all of society) are facing a tough time.
There is increased demand for the essential services nonprofits provide as COVID-19 tears at our safety nets.

The Danger zone: new UMN class hopes to spark creativity with improv
Design students are often put into the unenviable position of being asked, “Hey, I need you to be creative right now.”
Tane Danger, a University of Minnesota alumni and local improv comedian, promises to arm these students with the tools for spontaneous creativity by applying the principles of improvisational comedy.

Exploring issues with improv, the Theater of Public Policy is seriously funny
The swingingest mayoral debate in the history of Minneapolis went down last October at the Bryant-Lake Bowl.
Perched on stools on the tiny stage, six of the leading candidates took questions from a bow-tied young moderator whose earnest demeanor couldn't hide his whip-smart political savvy.

Move Over, Stewart and Colbert: Meet The Millennial Duo Mining Public Policy For Laughs
Like many Millennials, Tane Danger and Brandon Boat think politics are a joke, except this twosome mean that literally. They're the brains behind The Theater of Public Policy, a Minneapolis-based improv troupe that focuses on lampooning political issues both local and national.