Laugh it out: Can humor ease tension in polarizing times?
From the sidewalk, the gathering at Winona’s Parlour Room on a recent Tuesday night looked like a big party.
Dozens of people drank wine, ate from heaping plates of pasta and chatted up and down long dinner tables inside the downtown storefront.

T2P2’s Tane Danger: ‘If there was ever a time when we needed each other, it’s now’
Where can you go for advice in a crisis? Ask an improviser. No, really. Who is better at making things up on the fly? At solving problems with the tools and materials at hand? Who is most willing to try the untried?

The Danger zone: new UMN class hopes to spark creativity with improv
Design students are often put into the unenviable position of being asked, “Hey, I need you to be creative right now.”
Tane Danger, a University of Minnesota alumni and local improv comedian, promises to arm these students with the tools for spontaneous creativity by applying the principles of improvisational comedy.